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20200225 - Chrome calendar for 2020

Google recently announced a new reinforcement of its browser Chrome security rules.

Several changes will occur in 2020 withe the different releases of the browser. The purpose is the disappearance of any content presented in HTTP at the end of the year.

April 2020 / Chrome 82

Chrome users will see a warning when trying to download executable files (e.g. .exe, .apx) served via HTTP.

June 2020 / Chrome 83

Users will be prevented from downloading such files at all.

The warning notice meanwhile will shift to the attempted download of insecure archive files (e.g. .zip, .iso).

August 2020 / Chrome 84

Insecure executables and archives get blocked by default and other types of insecurely served files will prompt download warnings (e.g. .pdf, .docx).

September 2020 / Chrome 85

The mixed content warning will shift to images, audio, video, and text (e.g. .png, .mp3), with blocking becoming the default behavior for the other files.

October 2020 / Chrome 86

The warnings will be gone and Chrome will refuse to download any mixed content.

What are the operating systems concerned?

That's the rollout schedule for Chrome for desktop operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows). For Android and iOS, the schedule will be delayed by one release cycle.